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Leg Pain Treatment In Marbella

Cardio Care Marbella

Leg Pain Treatment from the Vascular Experts at CardioCare Marbella

Experiencing pain or cramps in one or more leg, hip, thigh, or calf after walking, even for just a short time, but it goes away almost immediately after you sit or rest? No, it's not your imagination, it's actually a relatively common vascular condition called Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, and at the CardioCare heart and vascular centre in Marbella, we can identify and treat it using minimally-invasive procedures to not only give you relief but also lower your risk of experiencing an even more serious health incident like a heart attack or stroke.

What Is Lower Extremity Arterial Disease?

Although normally associated with heart disease, plaque can build up within the artery walls anywhere in the body. This build-up is called artherosclerosis and it cuts off, to some extent, blood flow to the organs, causing potentially serious -or even fatal, complications like a heart attack (when blood flow is restricted to the heart) or stroke (when blood flow is restricted to the brain). With Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, this blood flow is restricted to the muscles in the legs and is the reason why your legs may develop painful cramps when muscle movement is needed, like when walking or doing even light exercise, but goes away when not, like when you're sitting or standing still. Pain is not the only indicator of Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, though. Some patients could also experience a feeling of numbness or weakness in one or more leg, a cold sensation in one leg or foot in comparison to the other, wounds or sores on their legs, feet, or toes that won't heal, or even a change in the colour of their legs, feet, or toes, all due to the fact that their muscles aren't recieving enough blood and thus not enough oxygen.

In severe cases, this lack of oxygen to your leg muscles can cause them to die, and amputation is required. It's also possible that the build-up of plaque in your leg veins can break off and form a clot, increasing your likelihood of heart attack or stroke. That's why if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, even if minor ones, it's a good idea to speak with a cardiologist who can determine if you have arterial disease in your legs. For some with higher risk factors, it's also advised to get a comprehensive screening and regular check-ups to prevent any potential problems from occurring.

Who Is At Risk of Developing Lower Extremity Arterial Disease?

If you are at higher risk for heart disease, you are also at higher risk for Lower Extremity Arterial Disease and should consult with a cardiologist or vascular specialist about your need for screening. Risk factors for any vascular condition, including atherosclerosis and Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, include diabetes, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you are worried about your potential to have or develop atherosclerosis in your legs, heart, or elsewhere in your body, speak with the expert cardiologists at CardioCare who can discuss your personal medical history, lifestyle, and fears to determine the best course of action, including conducting an Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index test, Echo-Doppler Ultrasound examination or Angio-CT scan of the leg arteries to diagnose your Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, if necessary.

How is Lower Extremity Arterial Disease Treated?

If you are diagnosed with Lower Extremity Arterial Disease, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes or one of two medical interventions, both of which are available to you at CardioCare vascular clinic, depending on your needs and your preferences: arterial angioplasty (a minimally-invasive procedure that places a balloon or stint into the blocked artery to open it and increase blood flow) or bypass surgery (open surgery where blood flow is redirected around the blocked artery). Your doctor will work with you to determine the best course of action, but no matter which intervention you need, you can rest assured that you're in good hands. The vascular expert doctors at CardioCare are highly experienced and deeply committed to providing the best, most personalised care to every one of their patients. We are proud of the fact that we take the time needed to get to know you and all your symptoms -not just the most common or the most relevant ones, conduct only necessary tests or exams to confirm a diagnosis, never leave any of your questions or concerns unanswered, and provide treatments and interventions that offer solutions to the root cause -not merely the symptoms, of any medical condition you have.

If you would like to make an appointment with a vascular specialist to speak to them about your leg pain and determine how we can help, you can reach our helpful support staff at +34 677 759 003 or


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